Nutrition and training

By Marion - OVERSTIM.s

It makes good sense to adopt a nutrition strategy for exercise and recovery during an event, as these two stages are crucial. It is much less common, however, to focus on training nutrition, with the view that this stage is mainly devoted to physical training itself, on equipment, mindset… without much concern for nutritional quality at this time.

Why adopt a nutritional strategy for training?

Training nutrition is important, as it not only prepares the body for the event, it especially keeps it in shape during this period and leads to a better series of sessions. Proper training must prepare athletes for the intense physical exertion of the event, as well as regularly increasing their performance by improving their personal abilities.

Yet, training is very often wasted. Intensive training is subjected to the same constraints as an event, namely: strong dehydration, an often significant mineral loss, muscle “wear and tear”, and a more or less significant consumption of glycogen, which can be substantial from the start of the intensive training.

These limits are generally ignored by athletes, for whom training consists mainly in “toughening up”. This results in progression being held back and fatigue accumulation, resulting in more or less frequent off-days during the season.

What product should I consume before training?

Whatever the sport practised, a powerful starting energy like the one provided by SPORDEJ, is very effective during breakfast or as a snack before a workout. In addition to hydrating the athlete before the outing, it brings quickly usable energy that is very easy to digest. Respecting the rules of hydration – meaning drinking in small quantities (5 to 10 cl) from the very start and then regularly – is essential to give training its constructive role.

And during training?

A sports drink should be the first thing you reach for during training. The choice of beverage is obviously critical to the quality of muscular work and the ability to support increasingly intense sporting activities. ANTIOXIDANT HYDRIXIR, in its various forms, is the optimal fuel for quality training.

Depending on the duration of the session, hydration could be bolstered by a few energy supplements such as Antioxidant Gel and energy bars.

We don’t doubt the progress that careful training can bring to a whole sporting season!

During an intensive training phase?

An intensive training phase can take place 2 to 4 times a year, over periods ranging from 3 weeks to 2 months maximum. During this phase, athletes demand considerable effort from their body. Such a phase can entail fatigue accumulation and even give rise to a syndrome called “overtraining”. It is then possible to turn to supplements such as the Everyday wellness program to help you get through this period.
